Just like a zombie

User Rating: 7 | Dead Rising X360
The Graphics
They are very nice and put together. Every store you go to is detailed and there something to look at and take. All the zombies are different and its hard to tell if some are the same when they try to come out and attack you in different directions. Frank West the main character looks normal BUT! everyone else especially the chicks look like Frank West. They were all manly and it looked gross as ****

The Story
A mysterious virus??? disease??? no its a bug, kind of a spoiler but you learn that like right away. Any who so an epidemic spread through out the small city of Willamette, Colorado and the towns people has turned into zombies. Frank West a photojournalist, goes to investigate the small city and ends up in the mall. The pilot of the helicopter tells Frank that he has 72 hours til he comes back or Frank will get left behind. So the people have gathered in front of the mall where they have barricaded the front entrance where zombies are getting ready to pour through. But this old **** worried about her dog and let all the zombies in and now its up to you to fend them off. Heres where it sorta fails. Its a free roam sort of thing. I played through it a couple times and got different stories based on the time. You only have three days to do whatever and if you miss the first story plot you gotta wait and kill zombies I guess.

The Gameplay
This game controls nicely and its very easy to pick up. Not every single thing is a weapon like they say but you have a decent amount of weapons to choose from. But some are just a comical weapon like the toy laser sword that doesnt kill. You'll find some favorites that really help you destroy the zombies. One thing i dont like is that the guns are better if they shot freely instead of aiming cause its really slow and zombies like to run in groups. Theres a nice inventory system even if theres only like 4 slots. The surviors can lend a hand but some are really annoying and I dont wanna get involved with them but I cant read what they say cause the subtitles are too small and capcom hasn't fixed that.

Final Word
It's an ok game but theres flaws and it can get really boring doing nothing and thats what happens sometimes and it's just not worth it sometimes.