This game is the sickest game of all time!I want someone who read this review and has actually played Deadrising to say that this isn't the goriest and most entertaining game ever.Whats better than killling thousands of zombies with 10000 different weapons.I cant find another game as entertaining as Dead Rising.I've played Gears of War, Lost Planet and Rainbow Six LA but none of these games are even close to as funny and entertaining Dead Rising is.I gave this game a 9.4 for a good reason and that reason is that this game has the best gameplay and graphics I mean come on have you ever seen a game with such realistic blood like Dead Risings.This game is just one of Capcoms greatest achievements.DEAD RISING ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A console could never call itself complete without some sort of blockbuster zombie affiliated game lying around in its library. Capcom, who has always been there for the horror genre, has released another zombie thriller... Read Full Review
The Good: Being able to use practically everything as a weapon makes for a great and unique gameplay experience, entertaining boss-battles great story, good graphics, awesome sound-effects and the save-system makes the ... Read Full Review