An Amazing game.

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Rising X360
This game is awesome. Everytime i look at other horror games, i always have to come back to this game and think about this game's gameplay and story and compare it to the game that i was looking at...Dead Rising's story made me feel kinda weird inside when i was playing it, becuz every1 of your friends die, except for that hispanic girl. You might get this feeling while your playing this game, but it'll disappear in about a week or so. The last boss of this game was hard to beat, becuz he knows all those karate S**** and you only know zombie smashin moves....... but i beat the crap out of him. Dead rising is a game that i would pick for any1. It's just fun to kill zombiesssssssssssssssss....AND LET'S ALL WAIT PATIENTLY FOR PROTOTYPE

gameplay= 9/10

story= 9/10

sound= 10/10

controls= 9/10 this game is amazing....period.