There are lots of reasons to hate this game and really only one reason to like it but that may just be enough.
The graphics on this game are OK but nothing spectacular. The voice acting is OK nothing great but nothing too cringe worthy where it is at but much of dialogue is received via text.
Game contains many of my personal pet peeves in gaming and to me these would be reasons to hate this game:
•* Escort missions. - This game is all escort missions.
•* Worse then escort missions are escort missions with stupid and helpless people -- many of the people in this game.
•* Reapawning enemies. Especially if there is no logical place for them to come from. At least if they were streaming in a door or a hole in the wall that would be ok but to clear out an area with no entrance and to have them magically respawn behind you is annoying.
•* Enemies that thoughtlessly charge right towards you. (Yes I know this is a zombie game, what can I tell you I hate zombie games. I just gave this a try because everyone said it was so good.)
•* ENEMIES THAT RUN AT YOU AND EXPLODE. I cannot properly verbalize the HATE for which I hold this particular game convention. I blame Halo for it though it’s possible it existed in games prior.
•* Annoying AI “teammates” who won’t Shut up. In this case it was just the ringing phone but you really should have the ability to turn the dam thing off… Or better yet crush it under your sledge hammer.
•* Timed missions. Actually timed missions aren’t always bad. I have never been a big fan but some are ok unless combined with the next problem with this game •* Bad save spots. This is especially bad when your main game missions are time dependant. And double especially when there is only one save slot. One bad save and you have to start all over. Of course this game was designed to replay, over and over and over but its still annoying.
•* Oh and the aforementioned no sound in NPC interaction, which wouldn’t be bad if it was clear when the conversation started and stopped and the B button wasn’t so touchy.
With all its faults however the game is strangely addicting. I don’t know what it is but there is just something satisfying about being able to beat the crp out of everything with everything. It’s all the more satisfying because even when you restart the game your character keeps his stats thus it is easier to beat the crp out of everything.
I can not recommend this game at full price but at the newer cheaper prices I think it would be worth picking up and keeping in your collection for some mindless zombie beating between games.