Capcom has gone in a diffrent direction for their zombie action games. Dead Rising is a unique game start to finish.

User Rating: 8.4 | Dead Rising X360

You start out the game in a helicopter flying up to a little mountain town. What the main charecter (Frank West) sees there is beyond him. It is your job you viciously kill zombies inside a mall and rescue all survivors, in 72 hours.

The whole plot of this game is one huge puzzle, you will often find yourself trying to figure out how in hell you can put the whole plot together.
You put the plot together by doing task and rescuing people, sounds easy?
Since you only have one save, once you miss a task, thats it your done, you have to start the game over.

Dead Rising almost lets you do anything you want inside the mall that Frank West is trapped in. The most fun you will have in this game is violently killing zombie with a laundry list of weapons. The weapons in this game are in now way limited. You will always have a weapon in your inventory. I would say half the weapons you find in the game are not very useful to help out when you are saving people. If you are not saving anyone, there is tones of fun to be found in popin' a zombie with a rabid fire tennis ball launcher.

As I complained before, the save system sucks. The save system makes a good difficulty game into a fest of temper tantrums and controller bashing. Since there is a estimated total of 7 places where you can save, when you die you will go back 30 minutes and sometimes 1 or 2 hours. The save is not a bad thing if you like a little difficulty, but you will still find it very frustrating.

The controls are another great factor to Dead Rising, you will learn all the controlls within 10-20 minutes of play time!

The presentation in this game is great. The sound of the chainsaw and the meat cleavers slashing zombies is awesome. the voice overs are also great. This leads to a good story that is believable and entertaining.

There are still some complaints I have to rap up my review.
One huge complaint is, if you have a regular TV I would suggest thinking about getting this game or not. On a regular TV you can't I repeat CAN'T read ANY of the text, which leads to a sloppy and somtimes boring time through Dead Rising.

As I close Dead Rising is a game for.. most ages, that will supply you with many replays and tones of intense action and violence.
Thank you for reading my review on "Dead Rising"