User Rating: 9.4 | Dead Rising X360
Are you sick of zombies? Sick of the same old shot here shot there formula? Are you tired of killing countless zombies row from row? No? Well then Dead Rising for the xbox 360 is your kind of game. you play as Frank, Frank is a freelance journalist out to find the next big story, after getting a tip about a small town Frank decides to go and see what all the noise is about. So he gets a helacopter to fly to the small town, only to find that chaos is in the streets. Is it a riot, or something else? Well soon Frank finds out it's zombies, and decides to stay and find the truth behind the madness. And that's where the game starts, you have 72 hours to find the truth, after that you have to get back to the helacopter. but if you find the truth and don't make it to the choper than you'll be left behind. At first this may sound dumb, being stuck in a mall for 72 hours, but the more you progress the more the story'll make sense. You'll have plenty of weapons, pistols, machine guns, dead fish....hmmm...yeah you can beat zombies with dead fish, it's actually funny. Anyway, you'll find that the mall is pretty'll leave one plaza just to go into an even bigger plaza filled with more zombies! Thankfully the game has an rpg fell to it, the more zombies you kill the more pp (persige points) you get. pp can be earned by takeing pictures, saveing people, and killing zombies in a certain style (run them over with a lawn-mower, cut their head off with a sickle, ect.). There's a level cap of 50, but that's ok. some of the missions make sense, while other are just dumb. Otis, the mall janitor, will call you time by time to tell you where a souviver is, but this can get in the way of the main story. by answering Otiss' calls you'll be left prone to zombie attacks (even though you can still move, there's too many zombies sometimes). I know some people (or all of us) hates escort missions, but in Dead Rising the souvuvers can take care of themselves (sometimes). You can give people weapons to use, although not every person you help can do this, some you'll have to carry, while others you'll have to hold there hands. But escorts are worth the trouble, you'll get alot of pp just for letting someone join your team (25,000 points really) and 40,000-45,000 pp just to take them back to the hideout. Now the main missions are very important. You'll have a time limit for starting a new mission. once a mission, or "case" as the game calls it, ends you'll be told when a next one will start. It may be at 3 am or 3 pm, point is if you're not there after a while than you'll miss the case and you'll never finish the game, or you can load a saved game. That brings up one of Dead Risings weak points, pathetic saves! you'll finish one mission and get thrown into another, after a while you'll be so far in the game you'll forget to save, if you die on, lets say mission 4-1 but you last saved on mission 2-1 you'll lose all the pp and weapons you had and go all the way back to mission 2-1. you'll have to find a bathroom or a couch to rest and save. this can get very annoying seeing how you'll barely find a bathroom to save at. another weak point for the game is no co-op. just think how fun it would have been to slice and shoot zombies with a friend over Live. Still, this a game that doesn't get old due to the different weapons you can find. And vehicals, there's a bike you can use to run over zombies, that never gets old. Dead Rising is what zombie killing gamers has been waiting for. It really is worth a play.