Dead Rising is a solid game with hours of zombie killing fun for all the zombie lovers out there.

User Rating: 9.4 | Dead Rising X360
Dead Rising is a game that achieves what it was trying to; trap you in a mall full of hundreds upon hundreds of zombies. You play as Frank, a freelance photojournalist. How you dispose of them is up to you, for you can use almost every conceivable weapon (or non-weapon) in the mall. I say almost because some things that look like weapons may not be able to be used. Gameplay: Dead Rising allows you to use anything as a weapon, from squirt guns to machine guns; stuffed bears to katanas; and of course, chain saws. Killing zombies can be excessively bloody, gory, violent while maintaining a very light almost comical feel. Frank can take a picture of anything at anytime to earn PP (prestige points). Earning PP allows you to level up Frank so he can carry more items, run faster, and learn new skills; all of which you will find nice considering how weak and slow you start out. You can also earn PP for killing zombies and escorting survivors to safety. The action can be broken up with side quest, or scoops. Basically all scoops will force you to escort one or more survivors through zombie hoards to safety, so they do get old and somewhat repetitive. Another detriment about scoops it that you receive them via radio. Why is this bad, because it is not voice acted and you have to read it. Why is reading bad, because Dead Rising’s text is unbearably small and nigh impossible to read. Also when you answer the radio you can’t attack or do much of anything, and before you answer the radio you are greeted by an annoying beeping sound. If the message is interrupted you will continue to receive the same message from the beginning until it is complete. Now, don’t let these negative things detour you from buying this game, as all scoops are optional. A lot of people have complained about the save system. Well, this can be solved by thinking before saving (ie: if you have one game hour to complete an entire mission, don’t save (problem solved). There are also several boss battles, some of which can be quite challenging.

Graphics: The graphics of Dead Rising aren’t going to win any awards, but that doesn’t mean they are bad. Graphical sacrifices had to be made to allow you to be in a large room with hundreds of zombies and a couple survivors with absolutely no frame rate issues. That’s right, I said there are no frame rate issues in Dead Rising. The zombie models are obviously limited to only a few, but that doesn’t really matter when you’re delivering mass zombie death.

Sound: Zombies moan, voice acting is good, and weapons make the sound that they should, so the sound is superb.

Value: The main story of Dead Rising will take 10-15 hours to complete, but you can easily continue just killing zombies for hours on end because it’s just that fun.

Dead Rising is a solid game with hours of zombie killing fun for all the zombie lovers out there.