This game is the pure definition of Survival Horror

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Space 2 PS3
When you talk about survival horror games it is rare to see good ones in this generation but they're those rare instances where you would find that great survival horror game that truly scared you in those moments of playing the game. This game has that anticipation of " oh how much ammo or helth do i have " or " do i have enough stuff for my next encounter ". This game has all of the right survival horror things that need to be in them like of course you need those scary moments and a lot of anticipation throughout the whole entire game and to be honest i had these feelings through the majority of the game. Now the first half of the game is more of a warm up to work up to the main ending and trust me the final battle is literally one of ther hardest things i have ever done in my life because at the end, the game's difficulty spikes to where even on normal it becomes hard very very quickly and it makes even harder when you have limited ammo and health and stuff like that but it is all worth it because that is truly the main idea of survival horror because the name says it all SURVIVAL and Dead Space 2 has that, it has alot of new features like completely new suits and weapons to play with and some of the old weapons have new alternative firing powers and those are good to mess with to figure out what your load out is. Now this is the very first game in the series to have multiplayer and the multiplayer is very entertaining and intense and it is very very fun i literally spent alot of time with this game and even in the multiplayer i have spent some time with it and i found it very fun and entertaining i love this game because it is truly survival horror it has alot of new scares and has alot of anticipation of whats next around the corner and the fact that they took a risk at multiplayer and did a very good job for them to do multiplayer for the first time so i recommend people that are into horror games or survival games or both should definatly check it out.