Great gameā¦........just play the original first!
Dead Space 2 hits the ground running, from the moment you have control of Isaac you're fighting to survive and of course jumping from fright. This game starts off right where the first left off in regard to the story, plot wise three years after the first ended to be exact. The story is interesting and adds to the Dead Space timeline seamlessly. The story draws you in, keeps you engaged and then scares the poop out of you.
The controls pretty much mirror the first, with a few added modifications. This is another area where playing the first would be beneficial, because there's not really much of a tutorial, there's a few prompts giving direction as you progress through the game. Also the in game features like the workbench, store, save stations and weapons are all introduced to you as with the assumption you're already familiar with them.
Graphically the game is gorgeous, the environments, the creatures and the settings are all beautiful. My only complaint with the graphics would be the human characters; some of them look like last gen.
Where Dead Space shines the most, is in the special effects and music area. This is what set the tune (pardon the pun) for the first and yet again they succeeded in doing the same for the sequel.
This time around they have added multiplayer to the mix, which is a unique experience to say the least but not the reason to buy this game. It's a nice addition but honestly I don't know if it would pull me away from the many other online games I'm currently playing.
Over all great game, however just as the title reads, play the original first.
PSN-Xbox Live gamer tag MikeJMele