Mix a little of that re5 action magic and some deadspace scares....and what do u get?Epicness....on a solar scale

User Rating: 10 | Dead Space 2 PC
Where to start.....OH YEA its no longer got broken controls on the pc.....
the graphics are a major improvement,Sound is just GREAT,pacing is a bunch times better(sometimes there will be a big action sequence....and you will think you are safe after it.....and then all hell breaks loose).....Isaac handles much better and him actually speaking is just great
Zero g is A BILLION times better....not just point to point jumping.....
the necromorphs now have a lot more variety....
the improvements to the TK module are Really helpful...and you need to use them to survive in the first level....
The new weapons are useful in different ways, so dont try to hit the angry midgets(the pack) with your seeker rifle....
There are a LOT of plot twists
(SPOILERS but a really small amount)
The game starts off with you waking up in a mental hospital while Franco from deadspace ignition is telling you that you are in danger.....Couple seconds later he gets stabbed and transformed...Isaac pushes him off and then you must run for your life....
Check the couch,loot the car...Heck even steal from your friends if u have to