A great sequel to a great series.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dead Space 2 PS3
This game is a great sequel with sharper graphics, new and devastating weaponry, and a selection of suits with special features. Dead Space 2 takes from the first edition and enhances the series dramatically. First and foremost the graphics and environmental detail of the Sprawl is superb. The layouts from a mental hospital, to a high-rise apartment building to an elementary school to a Unitologist recruitment center and church the settings are perfectly detailed. The enemies are faster as well as armed with projectiles that damage and slow your speed. The addition of the babies, puker, spitter, and stalkers require different tactics for each and cause battles to become more challenging and intense. The new set of weapons including the harpoon gun, the rivet gun and the seeker rifle to name a few, give more freedom and choice in how you attack and fend off your attackers. There are scenes in this game that will burn into your brain from the needle in the eye scene to a mother holding a necromorph baby that quickly kills her. The story line is good but as it sets up for an additional sequel feels a bit unfinished and the events that occur in the end of the game are somewhat ambiguous as to what actually was happening but is never explained. Dead Space 2 does a good job of mixing both a survival horror element with several action sequences that makes this game a must have for all survival horror fans and fans of the series.