This game offer's just the same scare's as the first.

User Rating: 9 | Dead Space 2 X360
Dead Space 2

Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: Visceral Games
Platform: Xbox 360
Rated: Teen
Released: January 25, 2011


Now what can I say about the visuals to Dead Space 2 are great as always, and the one thing that I will point out is that there were no frame rate issue at all and that was a good thing well I did not experience any myself and I for one thought this game looked better then the last Dead Space in a way, cause it was more darker and made the atmosphere way more creepier than the last. Now I'll talk about the detail to the main character since you now get to see is face a lot more in this game cause if I remember correctly you do get to see his face at the (spoiler here if you did not play the first one yet) end of the first Dead Space but I'm not sure so it might not be a spoiler, but any way's back to the point, the main character has a face in this one and it was exactly what I was expecting from what Isaac Clark has gone through from the last Dead Space. The detail to the new environment to the new local named The Sprawl was a great setting for this game and it actually looked liked a giant space station on the in side and on the out side especially when you got to explore the outer space region of this great new environment and it was huge and every little to detail just looked great and some time it felt like I was their. The detail to the necromorph's looked great just like in the first one, even the new necromorph's looked great and their are a few new ones so the visuals to every aspect in Dead Space 2 simply looked great and their were some improvement's made in these aspect of the game which made this scare fest really believable and really helped out in setting the mood.


Now for the audio in Dead Space 2 was simply put great from the musical score, which by the way in some point of this great game really helped out with really creeping me out and the tone to the score helped set the mood to the atmosphere really well when that frightening sound hit, it really got my heart pounding and sometime's instead of getting scared I actually had to hate the game just to get me trough it, I mean from the musical score to the creeping-ly scary and screeching sounds that came from every corner caused me to stop playing the game at some point's, but every little sound f/x was very believable and just helped with setting the mood to the atmosphere. The voice acting in Dead Space 2 was just as great as the first one and with the addition to some new voice talent with the addition to some of the new character's and now the main character Isaac Clark has a voice, which he did not have one in the first Dead Space and the guy they got to get to do the voice work on Isaac Clark was amazing. So in short I thought every sound from the musical score of the game, to the voice work was simply in one word amazing.

Now for the game-play on Dead Space 2 wil be split in to two part's, part one will be aout the single-player campaign and the second part will be about the new Multi-player in the game series.

So now the game-play in Dead Space 2 has not change much from the last game which made the last game so great and for Dead Space 2 that is a great thing cause the control's that were in the first one are basically the same and that was a good thing, and now the one thing that I got a little pissed at was, I think the movement was a little bit clunky in my mind it felt like Isaac Clark moved a little bit slower in this installment than the first but this is just my opinion and it did not render the game-play to much. Now I'll talk about the game it self on the aspect of the scare's and the intensity and let me tell you that the scare's were their and they kept coming from the beginning to the end, but about 3 and a half hours in to this game the scare's started to get predictable and a little repetitive at time's and it got to the point where when you thought you were in a safe area cause you see your save point and everything you'd expect to see so you can save your game, use the store and the work bench if saw fit to use it but instead you just walked in to an ambush which was fine in some points of the game just so the game kept up the intensity and the scare's, but the scare's just stated to get lame with the same pop up and out of no where every 5 to 10 minute's or so. But even with some of that predictability to the game it was still intense and a major fright fest, and their was one other part that I did not like and it was near the end with a boss battle it was pointless when they had you fight a boss and they decide to have waves of phantom enemies to throw at you which was really repetitive with that fight, but still this game was great and the story was great and a little confusing at time's but still great and I was expecting to see more NPC's fighting of the necromorph's cause they are on a great big space station, in this great game.

Now let me tell you about the multi-player in Dead Space 2 and it is a great addition to a great series, but with only one mode and about 4 or 6 maps to play on it and it's fun but for a bit not that great and to me it feel's like Left 4 Dead which is not a bad thing, cause I liked how it play's and it was simply a team objective based mode only, where you got one team of engineer's or security personnel that has an objective to complete while the other team that is the necromorph's that has to stop the the human team in the amount of time that is given for the match and map and vice-versa. So in short the Multi-player is fun but wish their were more mode's that's all.

So my point is that Dead Space 2 is an intense and scary just like it's predecessor but exploring the Sprawl just was not as great as exploring the Ishimura their is just some thing the first Dead Space did that for me felt like was missing in this game, but it is still a great game none the less, so it is worth picking up.

9 out of 10