Your mom hated it, but you don't.
The original Dead Space really was a horror you had to survice form Ishimura.
The story is Iassc Clarke is back and not good at all, the station Sprawl is under attack by same monster from original game they called Necromorphs there is new monster and is very naughty and scary, I like the Slasher and Exploder it fun to kill it those thing.
The new Necromorphs I don't know name of it, but new one very cool.
The alien monster is slimmer from there month,the speed monster from hiding wall ran to you a head butt, 'i hate that monster'.
The childern Necromorphs with long nail and of courage they scream when you kill it, one more monster is a baby, it look like a baby but this not one scene is a teacher hold a baby and until a second it exploded.
I like called it, a baby-bomb.(LOL)
The weapons from the original is back, but new weapons is great and upgrade the weapons you really love it, to used it.
The design of space station Sparwl is amazing I love the shopping center, the church, and the school it very nice design what there put of in the station.
The sound and light/shadow interplay that gave the original such a horrific atmosphere. A scary mood when the sound of a "Get Well" balloon popping and alarm clock make me jump it just scary.
The boss battle: there is not much boss battle to the end, it just Nicole Brennan and the Marker.
One thing Iassc had venison of Nicole and never to shut up. and go away.
I like to see Ishimura but, why they bring it back at the station, and worst they clean up in the ship.
If you working inside the ship with sign, blood, and sound of a Necromorphs monster what you should do?
I should leave and get out the station, but just for forget.
I never play the mutiplay, but here is dumb reason is a EA agree online I don't why, what are they thinking.
overall it a awsome game and make me nervously twitchier of space zombie might jump out at you at any moment, just keep playing.
P.S. I hate the part take a shot in the eye, if made it or miss it you dead it scary and naughty.