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User Rating: 8.5 | Dead Space 2: Severed X360
Severed was pretty much what i excpected. I do wish it was a chapter or two longer. But everything i wanted and more is already in. I disagree with gamespot, the short story that is presented in severed i found to be the most engaging part. Gabe's wife is visiting the hospital, to see if she is pregnant. His wife being Lexine from Extraction. Lexine being Marker immune is regarded as a Key Subject and has a hit placed on her head. Gabe Weller also from Extraction, must reach her in time before she is killed by one of his comrades. You end up cutting your way through several waves of necromorphs. The gameplay has already been established in Dead Space 2 so you'll know how the action pans out. The twitcher was a refreshing return, one part in paticular always gets me. Keep your eyes in the back of your head. Towards the end a few story sequences have you scratching your head, in a good way. Especially if you like following the overall story of the Dead Space universe. One thing i will say, that i did find diissapointing was that their is no new game+ once you finish Severed you must start all over again. Seeing as how you can acquire nodes throughout the DLC and only manage to upgrade so much, i was looking forward to coming back and fully upgradeing all that i had. Dissapointiing but i did play it again and again. I suppose that is were Severed serves itself best. If you fancy yourself a quick game of Dead Space that still has all the great aspects of the full game, gameplay, story, sound, graphics, tension. Then Severed is the place to go.