Dead Space 2: Severed is a shorter, harder, and more action oriented Dead Space 2.
Storywise it's a sequel to Dead Space: Extraction. It follows the storyline of Gabe Weller and Lexine Murdoch (now Lexine Weller) who have been on The Sprawl for the past 3 years. It shows their story on The Sprawl, and how they fought for survival. Like all Dead Space media this has an excellent story, however it has a near tear dropping ending if you've played Dead Space: Extraction.
It's more Dead Space 2, so of course it's excellent.
It's more Dead Space 2, again quite excellent.
For the most part it's Dead Space 2's sound design, albeit new voice actors as most of the cast from Dead Space 2 isn't present here (though you hear Tiedeman's voice). The voice acting is FANTASTIC. The actors for Gabe and Lexine reprise their roles and they do a lovely job.
If you loved Dead Space 2, you'll love Severed. It's totally worth the $7 if you ask me. Though the story isn't quite as interesting as Dead Space 2's simply because Gabe isn't quite as interesting of a character as Isaac is, it's still very enjoyable.