The new standard for survival horror!

User Rating: 8.5 | Dead Space 2 PS3
Dead Space 2 was one of my most anticipated titles of 2011. Ever since I finished the original Dead Space more than two years ago I just couldn't wait to get my hands on the second installment. I have both an Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, so my initial question was "What console should I get this on?" Shortly after I realized that the Wii rail-shooter Dead Space Extraction was included with the Playstation 3 version of the game only, my decision was made.

Let me say I also got this game as the special edition that included the die-cast plasma rifle, soundtrack, small art-card, and in-game armor and gun. For only $80 all the additional content was well worth it. I found myself using the special armor for the majority of the game.

Now getting onto the actual game and game-play. The game starts off in chaos, which is good! You are immediately thrown into the action and have to escape from necromorphs. This may sound foolish, but I feel the first five minutes was one of the harder parts in the game. Seeing as you have no armor or weapons. They did an amazing job introducing you into the story if you haven't played the first installment. I suggest that you do play the original Dead Space if you haven't

After you're fully equipped and have your first plasma cutter, the real fun begins. The necromorphs seem much more violent and smart in this game, and faster too! I suggest looking around every corner and to take your time when walking to explore every area. You are really going to need as many power nodes as you can scrounge up for near the end. I would say the difficulty of this game is a tad harder than the first game. I played through it on normal. The dark corridors and the general atmosphere of the game do increase the fear factor. This franchise has done a wonderful job at creating the new standard for survival horror games.

The game is also much longer than the first one, I think I clocked in about 20+ hours when playing compared to the 10 of the first. It may have been because of the amazing scenery and art direction though especially while in the church. However I really do suggest you take your time.

I'll leave of with that this game is a major improvement over the first title. A welcome of new enemies and monsters, great voice acting, astounding graphics, and much more frightening than the first title. Go get it!