Gameplay:-The gameplay is cool.Variety of guns.Blood,violence and rip off.The gameplay matches with the Presentation like a jig saw puzzle.The objective map system is also innovative.There are some factors which can be added in the game such as small jumps or acrobatics.Dodging from an enemy attack,such things are lacking.This can be trouble.Some necromorphs get really dangerous as we cannot dodge their attacks.The overall combat is exciting and superb.
The one and only disadvantage in this game is the level of difficulty.The did not get 10 cause of its difficulty. I play all the games on normal difficulty and then move to harder . And as usual i started this game on normal difficulty.The game is terribly difficult.Dont buy if you dont have the practice of remote control.The game gets so tuff that is gets frustrating.
But the game is worth playing.
Its a bit scary.Some movements are scary.