Dead Space 2:Severed let you play as Gabe Weller in this new horrific action DLC
Is like playing Dead Space 2 fun,action and creepy.More horror then Dead Space 2.Terrific Voices Actor.Sound effect are great.Story is Good.Brutal.Twicher is back.Gabe Weller and Lexine are tremendous character just as Isaac Clark.Many great Necromorph just as the Puker,Stalker,Brute,Slasher,Lurker and The Pack are here
The Bad
Too short.A bit overprice.
Dead Space2: Severed is a great DLC to expand your Dead Space 2 yes it is short due to Chapter 1 but Chapter 2 is long just like a normal chapter in Dead Space 2 but till make it short but is fun and entertainig and really bring more jumping out your couch moment then Dead Space 2 and also your weapons and suit pack can be use to play what also make it more fun so if you looking something to expand DS2 i recomend you t buy this DLC