Cheap gameplay with recycled older game mechanics. Mediocre.
Lame 3rd person camera. The worst I´ve ever seen in a game. And if you don´t like it ( I believe that i´m not alone in this) you´re just stuck with it. They didn´t bother to solve this with a simple solution (as in other games): let the player choose if it prefers to play in first or third person. For all the game designers out there: ALWAYS LET THE PLAYER CHOOSE. Always make more than one option.
Repetitive, dull gameplay: So, combine some annoying camera with the need of shoot enemy on the limbs to win. What could have been a minor welcome twist (despite all the fuss about it done by EA) became an irritating fight mechanic.
Pop up enemies - For me, this is the cheapest trick in any FPS. Instead of spend time developing some really smart AI, they use the easy choice of making enemies just come up from nowhere. They could think that the fact the player is surprised by the arriving enemy, give a sense of "challenge". Not for me. Just because the game is an horror one, it doesn´t make this an excuse to come up with this.
Limited choices, interaction, etc - In the opposite direction of games like Bioshock, Dragon Age: Origins and Fallout 3, where you can interact with most of the environment, and your choices influence history and development, here you´re just limited to pick up what dead monsters left (munition or health kits, nothing more). Even the upgrade system is annoying since you can´t choose what attributes to develop besides those that THE GAME let you.
Recycled mechanics: You played half - life 2? More precisely: played it´s expansions? It´s all here again. The game mechanics of going around to pick up a piece to unlock something, run to pick up another piece and them finally, turn on some machine. The brainless monsters fights, and even some environments are similar. Despite it´s good or not, a copy is always a copy and leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
Just because the enemies are ugly, it doesn´t make this one an horror game. A game need to be scary to deserve this denomination. It´s not the case here. I just never feel any tension playing this game, except for the bad camera.
The only good things about this product are the graphics and, somewhat the sound. Nothing more.