Boo...there right around the corner...and in the vents...

User Rating: 8 | Dead Space X360
Those graphics are really nice and scary. The setting helps definitely create a creepy atmosphere and the ship just screams death. The monsters there are cleverly constructed and are definitely things you don't want to encounter on a dark alley, or in a field of flowers. They are that hideous. There's a vagina monster. Your guy looks good too with his unique looking suit. There are no HUDs in this game. Most things you have to pop up on your own when you feel safe. Which is a pain, the HUDs do look nice and very futuristic.

The game play
For all of you that get headshots no matter what in those zombie games or playing Modern Warfare and are very good at it. Yeah throw those skills out the door. To kill those crazy aliens you gotta shoot the limbs of those bastids. Like I said you don't see your HUD so you pretty much don't have a map to guide you through death. You can see your ammo on your futuristic gun. You can find ammo conveniently placed in boxes along your path. Upgrading is a sinch and you get powers yourself to slow down time. If you run out of ammo you can retardedly swing your gun around, and I gotta mention this. He swings it like it weighs a ton. Seriously there's really less gravity in space and he carries it around with him all the time but how is it heavy that he has to swing it like a bat. A very heavy bat. He can stop as well. Why? Well if you're freaking paranoid of the guys on the ground you can crush the corpses. You get better guns along the way but in reality what's the point. Every alien is really frustrating to fight and along the way there are places in the ship that have less oxygen making this game a real pain to play.

The Story
Rather cliché if you ask me. The story doesn't really sell this game. You're on a ship headed to a distress call and well what do you know it's infested with zombies. You don't know that at first. Til one of those aliens totally nail one of your guys. Then it's a mad scramble back out of there. There must be some big deeper story but it's really hard to see when you now just struggle to make your way out. Your thinking now why don't they just use the ship they came in. Aliens thought of that. They blew it up. Go figure. So you just progress through the story with a lot of intense moments and cheap scares. They will be mostly from you screaming.

I don't like it. Cheap scares most the way through, an almost unrecognizable story. Difficult game play, definitely worth a rent if you like to get scared. Really you're crazy. Not a real hardcore game but you'll enjoy this game more if you're watching your friend get scared at every corner