I love playing horror games. They're my favorite genre but they usually don't scare me so easily, exept for Dead Space.

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Space PS3
Dead Space, is not only a game. It re-invents the horror genre. Most horror games are usually played out the same: you find a place, go in it, and are haunted or attacked by scary monsters or something like that. The Dead Space creators noticed this, and said "Screw that". Instead, they dared to be different and ended up making the scariest game most of us have EVER played. The first time I saw one of those monsters in the game called necromorphs, i almost pissed in my pants. The story starts as most horror games do- with no immediate danger and you find a place and its full of necromorphs. But unlike all horror games, you dont just get surrounded by a bunch of them and have to escape or find a way to kill them. Dead Space plays it all out. At the beggining of the game, you have to turn the doors on and then you get seperated from your allies. You then get attacked by one necromorph but you have no weapon so you have to run away. That one necromorph was enough to make me pause the game just to turn the lights on in my room. I remember a specific part in the game that i came past a "dead" necromorph and as soon as i passed by it woke up and tryed to kill me. I literally saved the game after that and turned my PS3 off. I have NEVER been scared like that by a game or even a movie. The story is pretty good and it doesnt just support the gameplay for a completely useless reason. The story is actually the reason I maned up and kept playing for. The gameplay is good and the controls are easy to use, which is weird because most horror games do that to scare you and yet this one is scarier. There are many unlockables and stuff you can buy off of the Playstation Store including weapon and suit skins, power and slot upgrades, and weapons. The ONLY thing that could make this game is better is multiplayer, but your going to be so stuck onto the single player that you'll forget there wasn't any multiplayer.Another downside is that you really just get the feeling that someones just giving you missions to do and while your working mad hard they're just watching or taking a break. All i can really say in the terms of recommendation, is that if your not scared easily and your ready to play a really great game, then you should get Dead Space