One of my favorite movies in the last few years is Danny Boyle's Sunshine. I love the movie because it is beautiful, immersive and an original take on the genre. Dead Space follows in line with this movie (along with other Sci-Fi classic such as Alien) using it's surroundings, graphics and enemies to show you something you've never seen before. And yes, the game is terrifying. Another great thing the development team did are the sound effects. Everything in this game sounds amazing, and the mix itself fluctuates depending on what you are doing creating very tense moments out of little things, making you feel like you are part of the world.
The boss fights in the game are some of the best I've ever seen. The artwork and character design are completely innovating. If you are on the rocks about this game, my opinion is go out and buy it. It is more than worth it.
So lets go, I have the review you NEED! First off lets start with what EA Promised to deliver with this game. EA promised top of the line graphics, BIG SCARES, a new mind set for survival horror, AMAZING sounds, etc. We'... Read Full Review
Several months ago when I started to see the first video previews of Dead Space I was definitely interested, being the survival-horror fan that I am. My optimism was somewhat cautious, however, because I was afraid it mi... Read Full Review