Dead Space - Hellhole with severe deathmachine infestation and optional gravity and oxygen looking for engineers.

User Rating: 9 | Dead Space PS3
Well I was going to review this game having only played until the end of Chapter 8, 2/3 through the game approximately, but the end of that chapter and the following chapters just drew me in and I ended up finishing it.

The opening will be pretty familiar if you've seen the film Event Horizon and the gameplay is pretty much the same as a few other survival horrors except for zero gravity. It might be a bit gimmicky but it really works and it does get unnerving to be looking on the walls and ceiling for that alien who just attacked you rather than just on the floor. Another nice feature is sometimes you'll be in a vacuum, in Dead Space the first indication you'll get that there's an alien is that they make a hell of a lot of noise but of course in a vacuum it's all silent so you'll probably take a few hits if an alien comes through a vent right behind you.

As I'm sure you'll know if you're interested in the game, the way to beat your enemies is through dismembering them meaning if you're anything like me you have to undo ages of fps "aim for the head to do more damage" conditioning and start aiming at arms/legs/tentacles/yellow bits instead. While you're learning to go for the limbs expect to feel like you're doing really, really badly. But if you need it you get a stasis module in the first chapter that slows enemies down to almost a complete stop so you can pick off their limbs easily.

There's a good choice of weapons, you get the obligatory pistol, machine gun, shotgun and BFG (plasma cutter, pulse rifle, force gun and contact beam respectively), you get a line gun which is basically a plasma cutter with a wider beam and longer travelling time and a flamethrower which I never used so I can't say if that's any good or not. My personal favourites are the plasma cutter, force gun and line gun as you get a nice knockdown from the force gun which lets you cut their limbs off nice and easy with either of the other two guns. Also there are two very small enemies, I won't go into details but I mean VERY small and they tend to come in swarms, and the force gun takes all of them out in one or two shots.

The enemies are suitably hideous, the general theme being scythes instead of hands. Again not wanting to go into many spoilers but since it took an embarrassingly long amount of time for me to kill the first wave of enemies and nearly killed my enjoyment of the game I'll say if you cut those scythe hands off they die and a good way to do that is alternate fire (R2 on ps3) plasma cutter.

In my opinion the plot is the only thing I could think of that I'd improve. Basically I've seen it all before in Event Horizon and Alien. It works there's no denying that but it's unoriginal and unless you count "shouting" and "insanity" as emotions the only person in the entire cast with any trace of emotion is Kendra and while she plays her part very well everyone else is a bloody robot.

But that really is the only negative and even if the basic storyline is one we've all heard several times before it is told in a new and interesting way at least so I figured I'd give it a 9, the plot doesn't take much away from the game and it's a totally solid addition to the survival horror genre. Certainly the best that's on the ps3 anyway *mutters about Alan Wake* :p