This game is an intense, edgy, thrill ride that no Sci-Fi or Survival Horror fan should miss!

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Space X360
Dead Space is an awesome sci-fi survival horror game that flawlessly blends in together elements of Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Alien, and Event Horizon.

The game starts off with you playing as an engineer named Issac who's team is responding to an ships distress call. Influenced by Alien, The ship makes a rough landing and quickly discovers that mostly everyone aboard the ship has been killed and mutated into horrible grotesque creatures.

To make matters worse, your team is attacked and you get separated and have to fight you way out using any weapons you stumble across while trying to figure what the hell's happened.

The gameplay is heavily influenced by Resident Evil 4 with a behind the shoulder view and aiming system. However instead of just mindlessly shooting at the bad guys like in most games, you actually have to dismember their limbs to kill them. Usally the smaller ones will only take a few hits to kill, but the bigger and badder things will be more aggressive and require you to be as precise as you can and cut off their limbs. The aliens in this game like to hide in vent shafts (again like Aliens) and surprise you by jumping out from behind to ambush you. I'm not kidding, there were quite a few times when I had a monster in my sight and then another one came and hit me from behind. I turned around and saw that he had jumped out of a fan vent in the wall. You really have to watch your back in this game, I'm not kidding these things come at you from everywhere.

Similar to RE4 this game also has a weapons upgrading system where you can find terminals that let you upgrade your guns, suit, gadgets etc. You can only upgrade them by finding node pieces which are scattered all over the place.

Graphically speaking this game is beautiful (in a good way) I mean all the "cut scenes" and such are all done in real time, which does a real nice job of making you feel immersed in the game. As you explore the ship you find lots of audio logs, text logs, etc which fill you in on what happened before you arrived. The Sound effects in this game are incredible. Serisouly this is some of the very best sound effects I've experienced in a video game. you hear creeping moans from the aliens as they scatter and hide about, you also hear things dropping on the floor or crashing around, very very good production values, its very much like a big budget hollywood movie. Again very great light and shadow effects.

This game is definatley one of the bigger ones to come out this year. It's very immerisive and fun to play. If your a fan of survival horror, sci-fi then pick this game up ASAP, you won't be disappointed.