If you got the money and you enjoy having the crapola scared out of you, pick this game up. It will not disappoint.
-No really, do it!-
So after playing for four hours straight, I realized that this is possibly the greatest sci-fi survival horror shooter of all time. No other has been so immersive and kept me as interested as Deadspace. The timing on scare elements and the ominous noises make the game that much more frightening. Another plus, is that the game is truly gorgeous. Possibly my favorite feature would have to be the zero-g combat and blasting guys with the beam cutter. So fun! The selection of weapons allows you to combat the necromorphs in whatever way you see fit, from burning them with a flamethrower to mutilating them with a pulse rifle. Overall:
Gameplay - A
Graphics - A+
Sound - A+
Replay Value - B
A must for sci-fi survival horror fans.