Wow, I just spent the last 20 hours striaght playing this game. (10-23-2008) How do I begin? Graphics. Amazing, so smooth i wonder if im watching a tv show at points. Never any glitchy spots. The way the developers made the UI is so clever. It provides an interesting twist in the game, people who go to the inventory to heal in games like oblivion will be disappointed to learn that everything is real-time. No more last minute inventory life saves. Monster detail is incredible, i enjoy being able to see the agony on the heads of the dead people the necro's have taken over. The diffeculty is amazing too, i never ever once thought to myself, holy crap this is hard. there were times where i said wow hard, but because i sold ammo to get the next siut, or because i didnt cut off limbs and had to use medkits. The ambeint sounds are creepy, youre always on edge, the only respite is when you are in a vaccum but we'll get to that later. The question of whats going to happen is always on your mind when you walk into a room and hear strange, almost singing, or footsteps, or screaming. Your charactor Isaac is perfect for the story. He is just a guy sent in to fix the ship, but turns out to be the "hero" of the story. He knows very little about guns, doesnt know how to kill people with his bare hands. When in melle he just swings as hard as he can, and you can tell from the grunts and from his wind up. He doesnt have shileds or super strength. Just his suit and his plasma cutter. The level designs are great too. In many horror games i have fallen into the "What is this room/area/place doing in here?" It wouldnt make sense. An armory in a school? Stuff like that, but in Dead Space everything makes sense, well as best as i can make it. I have never been on a spaceship. I also enjoy the clever way the covered up the load times on the trams. You know its a load time but it gives you a chance to look where youre going and take a deep breath. Zero G. Amazing, this was pretty much hitor miss, and they hit a grand slam. It awesome jumping to get places, dodge bad guys or other hazards. and the vaccume is great to. No sounds but your breathing. Its so realistic its crazy. And after coming back into the ship and getting air its so realistic that i find myself taking a deep breath, like man that was close. I could spend hours on this review, but im just going to leave it at that. If you wanna know more, spend the money and buy the game. Its so worth it, even if you hate horror games. One of the best buy i have ever made.
So lets go, I have the review you NEED! First off lets start with what EA Promised to deliver with this game. EA promised top of the line graphics, BIG SCARES, a new mind set for survival horror, AMAZING sounds, etc. We'... Read Full Review
Several months ago when I started to see the first video previews of Dead Space I was definitely interested, being the survival-horror fan that I am. My optimism was somewhat cautious, however, because I was afraid it mi... Read Full Review