WouldYou-Kindly's Review on Dead Space!

User Rating: 9 | Dead Space X360
I got it October the 10th of 2008, a generous donation by Andre, mom's boyfriend, to help get my mind off The Who and BioShock, and, though it kills me to admit it, it actually did. For the short amount of time I played it, I found the game terribly amusing, but also, terribly horrific. I say, boys and girls, that this game is not for the weak of heart [Mii-lovers, please leave the building]. If you'd like a taste, I can say that one of the more...oppressive parts was when I witnessed a man trying to kill himself by smashing his head against a wall with all the strength he could muster [and succeeded, at the expense of myself viewing his brain matter splatter all over the place. Yeah, this is a videogame].
As most of you know, I'm a fanatic for the videogame by the title of "BioShock" [2k], and it is absolutly my favourite videogame ever, and I must say, the first time I played that, I found it shocking and very scary, like a horror movie. Those splicers shared the fother mucker out of me.
And now that I've played this wonderful new discovery, I can say that BioShock is nothing comared to this, and even though BioShock remains my favourite game, I can say that Dead Space is absolutly one of the most terrifying games I've ever played in my life, and also, the content of which is extremely heavy and really mind-weighing. It's been a while since I've played such an engaging game [because I'm too spoiled by Assassin's Creed [ubisoft]'s beautiful graphics to try anything else], and I must say that overall, I think I've found a game I can be terribly fond of. I normally am not one for the Sci-Fi videogame and am more into the historically-related, but this game is pretty incredible so far. I love Rated-M games, by the way. The graphics are magnificent and the storyline has held me. And I've never screamed aloud while playing a videogame either, which is another first this game has brought. I'll tell you all when I beat it.

Cheers to EA!