The game has beautiful graphics and is a lot of fun. Plus an intriguing, blood splattering, limb ripping story. You play as Issac an engineer who along with his entire crew is sent in to investigate the HELLHOLE that is the USG Ishimura. Be pre-paired to have a bloody, scream filled good time as you start to unravel the mystery that is Dead Space. This game has a lot to offer to survival horror fans both old and new. The ability to upgrade weapons, your rig, and also the various powers you gain though the course of the game leaves almost limitless possibilities as to how you as a player can proceed though the game. If you are looking for an amazing game, with good voice acting, great visuals, and a fantastic story (that hopefully will only get better when "Dead Space Downfall" comes slashing its way onto DVD on 10/28) then this is the game for you. It is up to you....and remember "There's No Help Coming."
So lets go, I have the review you NEED! First off lets start with what EA Promised to deliver with this game. EA promised top of the line graphics, BIG SCARES, a new mind set for survival horror, AMAZING sounds, etc. We'... Read Full Review
Several months ago when I started to see the first video previews of Dead Space I was definitely interested, being the survival-horror fan that I am. My optimism was somewhat cautious, however, because I was afraid it mi... Read Full Review