Didn't see this coming...

User Rating: 9 | Dead Space PS3
Ok, I usually never review games but I had to make an exception with this one. This is not really a review but just a few comments on this title.

Basically I could review this game in two simple words: BUY IT... I saw a few gameplay movies on Gamespot and thought, hmmm not bad but seems to have a very slow pacing, I'll probably skip buying this one. But after reading Gamespot's review, I thought what the heck, this should keep me busy until Fallout 3 gets here... Boy am I happy I bought it. It's almost like a Resident Evil in space but incredibly immersive, I wouldn't even play this game in the dark. :) The controls, gameplay, graphics and sound are really awesome. I'm hooked up to a 5.1 surround sound system and the background sounds are really creepy. Anyways, I'm only at the second chapter and so far I'm really hooked. So that's it, if you can, pick this one up... BTW, those babies scare the $%^& out of me...