Nice looking, innovative, and predictable.
User Rating: 6.5 | Dead Space X360
I see everyone throwing 9's and 10's to this game, sorry folks, I don't agree. First, the good: the game looks incredible, the environments (initially) are beautifully constructed, the dark atmosphere (as well as the use of strobe lighting, alarm lights and other flashing lights) really give you a sense of tension. The airlocks (and lack of sound in them) are awesome. The weapons are great, the enemies look great too...BUT after about 5 hours, it becomes clear that the game is about as predictable and boring as it gets. Run here, open door, get item, run back to other spot, unlock door, pull lever, lever doesn't work without item, run there, get item, bring back, pull lever. All the item fetching and backtracking really put me to sleep. Now, they throw in enemies smashing through air ducts, walls, windows etc. to keep things scary and it works, for awhile. But after about an hour, you can predict just by looking around a hall or room where the enemies are going to "surprise" attack from. It just all becomes really repetitive. Dead bodies become necromorphs, so you learn to be careful walking past them, air ducts will always smash open when you walk near them other main complaint is the main characters movement. He's slow and his turning is even slower. Things hitting you from the side? Well, just take five seconds and turn around and shoot it. Painfully slow. Overall, I wanted to really love this game but I think anyone with a TRUE, realistic look at the game will realize, it's a lot of hype.