Excellent game, very scary, worth the wait and it certainly exceeded my expectations.

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Space X360
EA.. That name doesn't make me happy. I loved the look of this game since i saw the announcement trailer way back. But when i realised EA was involved i was expecting it to fail horribly in reviews. It didn't though and as happy as i am that it didn't, i think people are still avoiding this cuase EA is involved. Don't worry about that, this game is a ace survival horror game and the gameplay is surprisingly good, its probably the first ever survival horror game that doesn't have controls that suck. However that has its downside i just completed the game on HARD not NORMAL or EASY. Hard felt about right, not as hard as the hard mode on many of the resident evil games, but it did get noticeably hard near the end. Saying that though, my point here is that you should play the game on HARD mode for a challenging experience, depending on who you are, you would have to be quite poor at games to struggle on Normal.

The reason for this is you get quite alot of help. Seven kick-ass guns, a suit of armor that can be upgraded, a locater that shows you exactly where you should be heading by pointing at doors. It's impossible to get lost and for a survival horror game thats really unusual. Resident evil for example barely helps you atall and you get lost all the time. So is this really a survival horror?. Let me tell you a moment from my playthrough and i won't include any spoilers, i'll just explain a moment from the game.

Basicly theres this *OBJECT* that you have to move down to the bottom of this huge room. So i begin moving it, as soon as i move it an inch i hear screams. Its enemies and there are ALOT of them. WIth my guns fully loaded, i fight the crowd of enemies for about 7 minutes by the end i have barely any health and no bullets left for any of my guns, except my least useful one which i have about 3 bullets for, that probably wouldn't kill one enemy.So i stumble back over to the *OBJECT* and begin moving it again, i move it about another inch....more screams. Obviously i got ripped to peices. Now you may be thinking that i have called the game too easy and then just explained what sounds like the hardest moment of any game ever, but it wasn't hard. After my first try i was able to think of methods to kill them without getting hurt, or wasting too much ammo. I walked out of the room with full health and full ammo for most of my guns. Thats not action thats surviving and it feels extremely rewarding to move on in the game knowing that you have just done somthing you thought was impossible.

I would of gave the game a ten if it just had a few more scares. It had many "jump" moments but it seemed to be more based on throwing enemies at you than making you jump which is fine. But i personally would have preferred more moments...like...the...you know?. Well you won't unless you played it. But good luck with that bit, hopefully you won't scream too much like a little girl.