Dead Space is an incredible brutal gory experience set in a deadly hoffific atmosphere of space.

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Space PS3
As engineer Isaac Clark is dispatched by the company CEC to go onboard and to investigate and repair a total communications black out on a USG mining ship, the Ishimura, with a standard based security team.

As Isaac and his team step foot on the USG Ishimura they soon discover something has terribly happened to the all the crew. Isaac Clark then gets separated from the rest of his team and the true horror experience begins.

As you progress thorough the story you slowly find out the events of what took place on the ship before you arrived. With an arsenal of tools and weapons at your disposal you fight the hordes of Aliens in an intense blood dripping gory way cutting them from limb to limb to fight for your survival.

You can obtain various points to purchase equipment, weapons and upgrades to help fight these horrific monstrosity's, with a never ending number of jump scares and wired noises surrounding you in this very horrific and disturbing yet intelligently designed atmosphere these game will have you spooked and alert at all times wondering what will be around the next corner or corridor or what is coming from above. With 12 chapters of thrilling action, shooting, melee combat, as well as puzzle solving this game will leave you jaw broken and begging for more of this intense disturbing Sci-Fi thriller video game.