Everything it promised to be an alot more, Dead Space is THE Survival horror game of the decade

User Rating: 10 | Dead Space X360
I'm going to keep this short and sweet, (as i wish to return to playing) but this game has totally rocked my senses, from the hype inducing animated comic book prequels to the Downfall animated film, this game has nabbed my attention left, right and bloody center. As i stated in my Dark Sector review, Hype is a first step towards disappointment, once in a blue moon (Especially in todays factory churning half arsed game releases) a game breaks this unwritten law, and in the case of Dead Space, royally breaks the law. From the opening cutscene flying to Ishimura, to the first encounter with the Markers ungodly creations, this game sets a new standard in gaming finesse, violently poetic and pants wettingly atmospheric, in my humble recommendation, should you wish to play this title to its true capability, get a massive HDTV, and a 5.1 surround sound system, sit back and enjoy a landmark in real outer space horror!