It will make you jump and look behind you every minute!

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Space PS3
First game i played which made me have to put the volume down, turn on lights or play during daytime, but simply could not stop from finding out what came next story wise. Great job with trophies since it will make you want to play over and over again (great replay value). The story is great, visually very well done, creative weapons (taking in consideration that you are not a soldier but an engineer with cutters, flames, and force guns), will make you jump with every appearance of an enemy and delivers all the way till the end. On the downside its not that long and when put on 1080 seems blurry. However its still an amazing game and for a new horror game its bound to stick and become a classic or even a series such as silent hill, resident evil or clock tower. Put in few words, worth every penny it costs.