If this doesn't get GOTY then I'll be very surprised.

User Rating: 10 | Dead Space X360
In a word this game is nothing short of brilliant. Some of the best visuals ever included in a game. Insanely horrible creatures from minds with great imagination. Totally immersive with revolutionary ideas like 0 gravity gameplay which flips the screen around on you to create prospective. Just the right length. I finished the game right at 16 hours but I spent time in the shooting range and in the 0-G basketball court. The only thing sorta negative (and it's not really all that neg) is that the Normal setting was actually kind of easy and I ended up with a HUUUGE surplus of ammo, health, etc. at game completion. The hardcore gamer that hasn't played it but wants to should start on the hardest available. The real genius in this game is how creative the idea, story, and delivery are. I think the story might have been influenced by the people who believe in Scientology. Aside from a great story and creative gameplay it has great puzzle type gameplay to it as well. I'm not talking about the Silent Hill/Res Evil slide the boxes/place the coins type puzzles but real situations that made you think about how to get past the level. Nothing too far out there but just hard enough to make discovering the solution rewarding. I think that's what I like most about this game. Balance. The DEVs balanced this game beautifully. Well, I've gone on and on about the pros but have listed no cons. Honestly, if I listed anything it would be reaching to the point of inaccuracy or a complete fabrication. In my opinion this game is Game of the Year worthy. Just like Bioshock and I was right about that one too. I hope someone finds this useful. Have fun!