Mind Blowing (Explicit)

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Space X360
Imagine if Marky-Mark and The Funky Bunch went back to making music, that's how awesome this game is. I'm not one to get scared of video games(unless its fatal frame 2 or clock tower 3), but that doesn't matter, it's still a crazy god damn good game. It might take a level to get use to controls, but that's expected sometimes, after you get use to em you're pro. The story alone is good(even though there are plenty of movies that have the same scenario) and worth the time. Voice acting is great along with audio, I never had such a great feeling with audio. It's like an orchestra is in your room and you've instructed them to only play when monsters come out, it's great. There is one tip that I have, when opening a door, always have your gun drawn and always look behind you every 30 seconds, bound to be something there.