Let me say this easy to U its an EA in-house game & it reaches FEAR & CONDEMNED's level of intensety !
User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Space (2008) PC
This game is on tom of my list so far for GOTY this year ...amn like everyone who heard of it ...i wasn't really interested in it ... I WAS WRONG ...alltough the game comes with some features from Ressident Evil .... it completly shines in its own way .... it takes the atmosphere from movies such as ALEIN , Event HORiZOn & SunShine & morphes it perfectly in one great pack ! I've seen ppl that compared it to Bioshock & for good reassons it has more logic in to it its not exagerated .... & like Bioshock it has a freeroaming level structure ! The unique thing about the game is taht it keeps you interested in the story thru its unique way of telling the story to cutscenes but still letting u in control in the game + the strategic dezmembrament & the way it uses pzzles & the zero gravity ideea !
From a presentation standpoin the game shines top HIGH ... it may not have the technology that Crysis HAD but let me put this way its 100% perfect for this GAME this game & its presentation were made for each other + the sound desing is the best in the buisness if have to compare it to something it whould be PoP Sands of time , FEAR & Condemned its briliant just be sure you have a good 5.1 system ! The only reasson that i don't give a 10 is ...the fact that you don't have any cooperative or multiplayer play ... It whould have been nice to see you & your friend going side by the side resolving puzzles & watching your back like an alien movie or ... imagine a map full of mobs where you have to survive for 5 minutes !