Becomes a "master piece" of terror on "impossible"."Medium"is "7.0"ish
You will need to be extremely calm and wise to select your upgrades on a difficulty higher than "medium".You will realise how awesomely crafted this game is once you pay attention to you foe's and think twice before entering a room ,looking for a loot...
AI becomes perfect , they change strategies dynamically. when they go low on health , they begin roaring and stay out of your cross-hair , finishing them of by melee is crucial as they try to deplete you ammo on one-on-one stiuations.
My first game play was on medium and it was uninteresting... i was walking through corridors , checking every room looking for items and upgrade nodes... although enemies were easy to kill , i was looking for an upgrade to keep me excited... i found the story boring , the elements in the game did not change through out the game.. only one section had me use a plasma canon to shoot of the asteroids before hitting the hull of the ship...and that was it , same thing over...
my only motive was to finish the story so i could get another game instead but the story ended and the "impossible " difficulty setting unlocked...
i took a spin and it was absolutely breath taking... ammo was very limited compared the previous's and i had to make strategies , i had to act quicker...
i realised i had to cut the limbs to kill them on time and save ammo...although i knew that before i realised some enemie's legs were harder to cut as they are the strongest muscle in a body , had to go with the arms.. and head , had to use line gun on groups and ranged enemies.and use melee attacks to finish off single enemies to conserve ammo.
When you are afraid , the game's dynamical backgroud music doubles that fear...
all critism about Isaac's robotness and silence canceled them selves out after i realised "Dead space" is such a terrific Horror package.