Dead Space is an extremely awsome game that combines sci-fi with zombies

User Rating: 9.5 | Dead Space PS3
Even though Dead Space came out last year, I've played through it five times, and feel like I owe it a review.

Gameplay: 9
Replay Value: 8.5
Weapons: 10
Enemies: 10
Overall fun: 9.5
Difficulty: 8
Voice: 10

Dead Space takes place on the USG Ishimura, after the infection started. A group of engineers are sent onboard by the CEC to investigate what happened, but, upon arrival, discover that the ship has been overrun by Necromorphs. This all links to an artifact discovered on an asteroid called the Marker. The Ishimura stole it from the asteroid releasing havoc! You, Isaac Clarke must travel the Ishimura, repair broken systems to keep you alive, and finally return the Marker back to the asteroid to seal the infestation.

As you travel through the mining ship, you will pick up many interesting weapons, including the "pistol of Dead Space" (the Plasma Cutter) the Pulse Rifle, and five others. Each weapon has it's own special use, such as the Ripper, which conserves ammo but only functions at short-medium range and the Line Gun which emits an accurate blast of energy. Each gun has a secondary fire mode which may be useful in certain situations. Along with this, each weapon may be upgraded via a "BENCH" You purchase Power Nodes, and apply them to certain slots which can either increase the damage, the speed, or the ammo to a max.

The enemies are extremely cool with excellent AI. The Slashers stalk you from behind, only attacking once close enough, and when they can see you, they will charge. Brutes are powerful mini bosses encountered 3 times in the game (their black counterparts twice.) They charge you with great speed, and toss "Necro Bombs" at you. Each enemy has a grapple sequence, in which they will grab hold of you and attempt to kill you. These sequences are followed by rapidly pressing of the "X" button. If you do not shake them off, you will see a very cool death scene where they either tear your head off or cut you to shreds before finally dying.

Dismemberment is a famous term used in Dead Space. Necromorphs are extremely hard to take down if you aim for the head or the chest, unlike human opponents. These zombie-like monstrosities must be torn to pieces before finally going down. Key targets would be the legs, the arms, or the head (although depending on creature you may need to shoot the tail, back, etc.) Be careful when dismembering a Necro though, because you may find a need for which part you cut off. Ex. a Slasher. Cut off an arm, and use it a spear. Cut off a head, and it will flail around, possibly hitting its allies. Cut off a leg, and it will crawl on the floor, making it slow.

Bosses aren't the hardest, but not the weakest. The final boss especially, due to the grapple sequence that can insta-kill you if not fast enough. The Hunter is hard too, as you cannot kill him by shooting, all you can do is slow it down. The bosses are huge and intimidating, giving a feel of hopelessness, and once killed by simple gunshots, make you feel powerful!

Zero G is also a really cool aspect that makes Dead Space so unique. The Zero G rooms (and only the Zero G rooms) are cleverly designed to give the appearance that everywhere is a floor, a wall, and a ceiling. No matter where you stand, it always looks like you're in the right place. This may be confusing at times, but hitting R3 shows you the correct way to go, and is VERY helpful in this game. Zero Gravity allows you to jump from one end of the room to the other, helpful to avoid pursuing Necros and avoiding dangerous obstacles.

Kinesis and Stasis are also very helpful throughout Dead Space. Kinesis grabs items from a distance and throws it on your command. This is great for picking up items dropped by monsters and using the Slasher's scythes as a weapon. Stasis is my favorite though. it slows down Necros and machinery for a limited time. This is very helpful on the Hunter and on hordes of enemies, because once slow, shooting off their limbs, is much easier to do without fear of attack.

In conclusion, Dead Space is an extremely fun 3rd person shooter that will keep you wanting to play again, and to play the very epic and emotional last level.