I'm glad to learn i'm not the only one who was scared to hell over this game. Definitely worth a look...
Okay, so a friend of mine bought Dead Space and told me i should play it. At the time i had no interest in the game, actually it wasn't even a blip on my radar so to speak. But, nevertheless i borrowed it off him. He dared me to play it with the lights off and the volume turned up. I laughed at him, how could a game be so scary? So, I went home and turned my surround sound up and switched off the lights and started playing....
After about 30 minutes, i had to turn the sound right down and switch on the lights, call me a wuss but man this game scared the HELL out of me. The graphics, atmosphere, story and gameplay all work perfectly together to immerse the player in the game world. I felt like i was actually on board the ship, probably the only time i've ever felt my heart beating while playing a game!
If you want a good horror/sci-fi game with an excellent story, well paced plot, lots of violence, good graphics, has the ability immerse you in the game and to scare the living daylights out of you, then Dead Space is definitely worth a look.
One point to mention, the replayability, i just finished it today and i don't think ill be playing it through a second time as it just wont be as scary because you will know what, when and how things will happen/unfold. In a game where atmosphere is everything, it would probably (i assume) get boring....