Well worth every penny you spend on it.
Entire review is from pc gamer standpoint.
It is well optimized and not resource heavy game but it does deliver some very impressive graphics. Controls are again very nice and don't bother you at all its not a disfigured port I'm so used to seeing nowdays.
Gameplay is hard to describe.... things pick up very suddenly from just walking around looking at fancy space ship all of a sudden you run for your life. The story is nothing unique.... avp for instance but its engaging and keeps you guessing all the way to the end movie. Levels at first seem very similar except for portions but the further you get in the story the more intresting and unique they get. Boss fights are great YEP there are boss fights and they are great. Weapons.... while there aren't a million of them they are very different and the ability to upgrade any given weapon improving different aspects of it gives it even more variety.
All in all its a very engaging game and leaves an extremely satisfied feeling when your done. It's a great survival fps.. probably best I ever seen but thats just me as far as horror aspect i can't say ..... it wasn't all that scary to me I still thing the best titles in that department are very old school, I haven't played a game that made me jump of my chair in about 5 years now
There's a re playability value too... getting all armors all journal entries to reveal entire story and such.
all in all i havent enjoyed a game this much since probably half-life 2 heh.....