Put it simply Dead space is the best Horror-shooter game to come in a long time

User Rating: 9 | Dead Space (2008) PC
when i first saw the trailer and the game play of the game i thought it got to be one of those ''all flash no substance'' games
but after five minute onto the game you start to really appreciate it, considering its publisher EA
The game has one of the best graphics in the business, its not crysis but still very crisp and sharp and doesn't eat-up your system it can run very smoothly even on old PC's.
The game play is the centerpiece of the game its mind-blowingly amazing where the sound effects like distant screams and the occasional foot steps in the above ventilation system combined with the deep story and some well placed signs like "stay out!" written with blood totally suck you into the game.
but what i really like about the game is that its not repeatative and just like what Guns'n roses said "It gets worse here every day" so one time one alien from in front, next time three , the one after a new type of alien with the good old ones a third a new one with a scary cut scene
The weapons of the game are cool and fun the first weapons are crap but in middle of the game you'll lay your hand on some cool and handy weapons like a beam slicer that send a ray that slices anything and a mine thrower how about that!!
Another great aspect of the game that it keep you on your nerves as long as your playing it, the types of aliens are scary there not like doom 3, they are a humans-transformed creatures so seeing something you know makes it more believable and more scary
All in all the game is just a must buy, its not complicated it delivers the story and the action in a unique and deep way the story is straight forward, and better yet what can be more fun than shooting creepy Aliens!