This game is really scary almost scary as silent hill but this is on a ship sometimes it gets dark and those alien things come from behind you almost to make you feel something is in the room with you and feel like it is happening to you there are no health and ammo cheats but the guns are good and strong and almost everywhere on that ship has blood,dead bodies and all those things and if youkill those aliens they will drop some ammo and health.If you see any vents in the room your in becareful because one could come out and if you see their bodies be ready to shoot them when you get close to them because they are still alive but playing dead they like to make surprise attacks from anywhere your front,left,right and back.P.S. If your a parent to a kid and he or she wants this game and you buy it make sure your child is brave for blood and gore because this game is going to scare them really easy.
Dead Space is one of the best survival/horror games in a long time. The revolutionary "no hud" and no pause game play make the player feel that much more immersed in the game. Work benches that can be used to modify we... Read Full Review
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contains: Strong Bloody Violence, Gore and Sustained Horror ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dead Space is a survival horror, 'over-th... Read Full Review