The overrated game of 2008.It has flaws but its not a bad game.Its just frustrating.
The story is about a space crew who are on a mission to repair the ishimura ship.Once there they see that something terribly wrong is going on.Your ship is destroy then your stuck in Ishimura and got no other choice but to fixed it for your survival.Thats where the nightmare begins and the creatures start coming after you. The story is great at times during the plot is unravel as you progress Iam reminded of the movie Sunshine.Along the way the story expands as you uncover of what went down in the ishimura.Okay something that bugs me is that the character that you play with does not say a word and because of it you dont care or connect with the character.During the whole story point you get into are told during gameplay and not a cg cutscene.
Now to the flaws that make this game fall short to perfection.Okay this game should had been a fps becuase the action happen all around you.With the third person view is hard to turn to each enemy quickly and kill them.Something that in a fps would be easier to handle.EA needs to fix that sometimes you dont know where your being attack from.Okay this game was suppose to be an action horror but theres no excuse for being a shortage of bullets.I would not complain about the shortage of ammo,If they would have included some decent melee weopons almost like the first 3 Silent Hill video games. Also this game needs to be more player friendly.Mostly the game is about trial and error,which is frustrating when you dont know what to do or some challenge shows up and you keep dying when your trying to figure out why your stuck. At times it can be reapetive and anoying and predictible.For example every times you solve a puzzle you are attacked.Come on if I wanted to be surprise why dont they make it more random.
Graphically this game is a masterpeice. Everything is detail,levels are beautiful to look at.Your character creatures are all beutiful detail.This game shows how powerul the PS3 really is. Nothing to complain about the graphics.
The score and sounds effects are great.At times you will jump off your seat.The voice actors are great and dont over react,so everything will keep you engage about the story.
Dead Space is a good game worth to to play.I cannot go to hard on DS because its the first istallment flaws but Iam pretty sure EA will fix them if there is a sequel. Also for you rpg fans you should give Dead Space a look it has rpg elements,you can uprade your weopons,hp suit etc. Also something that introduces and should have been in Resident Evil 5 is being able to move while you fire your weapon. Hopefully there is a Dead Space 2 and hopefully for the suequel perfects the Dead Space franchise.