Isaac Clarke model Firmware Version 0.41 Current known bugs: slow
However, your character is a robot. He is a full-fledged robot. He wears a heavy metal concealing suit that makes him look like a robot. He walks like a robot. He grunts like a robot. The game designers even did the impossible. He somehow runs like a robot, if that's at all capable to happen. When aiming, jolting the mouse left or right at lightning speed makes Isaac (I'm compelled to believe his last name is TGX9000ULTRA) spin about ten degrees. The camera angle is claustrophobic, and not in the kind of way that makes the player claustrophobic. It's the kind of claustrophobic point of view where the player character takes up half the screen so it looks like a 1:2 aspect ratio. It's just so damn limited.
The story is terrible. It's just plain terrible. It's the generic bad-voice-acting-black-guy in a super duper command center telling Isaac where to go in this black and white maze of corridors that look exactly alike no matter what. There is the occasional space walk, but it has no meaning.
It's not scary at all. The music isn't scary. The constant monochromatic corridors aren't scary. Most importantly, the monsters aren't even scary. They come in possibly three varieties, excluding the ridiculous boss monsters, and all come from nowhere but the floor. They're easy to kill and don't prove much of a threat unless they come in groups of ten and get all up in your space and start yelling Soulja Boy songs and probing your face with various objects.
It's linear and repetitive. Add in all the backtracking ever put in all other games combined and multiplied by two and get a cold pile of zombie faeces. The developers felt like being generous to the players at a fifty dollar MSRP and make it worth their while by not letting them die. There are at least five boxes in every room that the player can either stomp or press their use key to open that contain large amounts of weapons, ammunition, magic health potions, and money. Though the entire ship went amok, the marketing system was left on for the necromorphs to store their crack-cocaine. Fortunately for you, this means that you will have an ample supply of pathetic upgrades for your ample supply of loosely guarded money.
This is a loose game with a bad control scheme. Do not buy it.