I had nightmares for 3 days after this game.
So the first thing I would like to point that makes this game pull you in is the fact you don't have a HUD. It just makes the screen look bigger and that makes the experience more like a movie, it was great! The graphics were beautiful and the lighting effects were picture perfect to add the correct ambiance to this game. The only graphic problems was the blood, that could have been done better.
Sound and voice acting was surprisingly very strong in this game. In corridors you would hear whispers which added a great deal of spookiness to the game.
The weapons were perfect for this game since they were knock-offs of engineer type tools that the main character used for weapons. A plus for this game is the feeling you get when your dismembering the bodies buy stomping and them and whacking their heads off with your guns.
One big factor I don't like about this game is the replay value, there is almost none but that goes for almost any horror game because they are mostly scripted in when and where the monsters will pop out.
The scare factor was very different for this game than other games. It wasn't so much the monsters that scared when they popped out of a vent or something, it was the feeling that something was behind you or sneaking up on you all the time. I would be turning around in hallways in the game all the time to make sure there wasn't one coming up behind me.
My overall review for this game is it's a great game and they should definitely make a second one(not this Wii crap Dead space:Extraction). So pick it up if you're a Horror fan.