This is a very weird but very addictive game to play. I hope your up for a little scare.
User Rating: 8.5 | Dead Space X360
I was thinking about getting Fallout 3 when I heard that Dead Space was also a good game. At first I was like Fallout 3 is a game type I have never played before and most of my friends and relatives were adamant on me getting it. I was at the store trying to decide what to get when I had finally decided to get Dead Space. I went home and instantly started to play it. Just the beginning of it sucks you in. Your in a space ship looking out at a space station that collects some kind of important mineral. What you don't know is that that space station is crawling with mutated and deformed space station workers who are out to kill anything they see in there black eyes. Overall it was a great game besides the melee. I had a hard time using the melee. But don't let that get you down from getting this immerse sci-fi thriller that will keep you on your tippy toes wanting more.