So close to perfection

User Rating: 9 | Dead Space (2008) PC
Look,i admit im not a game-geek, but I play games with a good story and gameplay,like Bioshock,Half Life,Mirrors Edge,Resident Evil 4,COD 4,etc.

Dead Space is from the very beggining a very well made,solid and visually stunning piece of work. The athmosphere,colours,lighting,the entire tone of it is dead-serious, gritty, raw and mature.

The creators of Dead Space must have rewatched and over-analysed all the classics of the space-horror genre,such as the Alien Series and Event Horizon,putting together a game that contains all the needed ingredients,mixed in a perfect and original way.

There are few games that feel so immersive like this one. You actually feel like you are the main character. You ARE Isaac Clarke when you play it.

Even if you are a horror-junkie,this will make you jump at least a couple of times,but not necessarely because of the creatures,but the MUSIC. The music and sound effects are the most well crafted aspects of the Dead Space experience.

I am playing the Pc version, i have an AMD Phenom3 ,3 Gigs of RAM and an Nvidia GeForce 8500gt and im very satysfied because it runs smoothly on maxed out graphycs and 1600x1050 resolution. Wich is rare with new games.
My only complaint is the mouse control,first you will realise you cant aim smoothly and it seems or too fast or slow. This is the single technical problem and also simply fixable: go to the video settings and turn off the V-Sync. Then the mouse is much smoother (still a bit rigid though,but playable)

So if you are into athmospheric horror and superbe visuals,you owe it to yourself to check out Dead Space.