Dead Space 3 is it what you were expecting?
*checkpoint save system only
*generic ammo
*cover system
*enemies have weapons and shoot you
*you spend most of the time shooting and shooting
*you can roll over the place like a ninja (remember when his suit was heavy and he cannot move very fast and this was part of the gameplay mechanic and was actually fun?)
*you dont longer have those mining tools, now you shoot like if you have a machine gun.. really is a gun
*no management items (no need for that now that you have 1 type of ammo
*QTE (quick time events)
So in resume all the things that made dead space a survival horror are gone now.
So if you were looking dead space this is not your game.
Is it bad?No, not really, very generic like most of the games this days are but is not bad. It have some really good things, like the crafting system for your weapons or the co-op mode that turns the game even less creepy but nevertheless still fun(why not split screen option...?
So if you are into action games like gears of war, resident evil 5 and 6 well this is your game, if you are a really Dead Space fan well you are going to be disappointed.