Very immersive

User Rating: 9 | Dead Space 3 PC
I'm not sure exactly why the Dead Space fans are raging over this game. Sure, the game isn't as scary as the first 2 (especially the first one), but everything else is just better. The graphics, sound, characters, plot, scenery, cinematography, music, and even game-play mechanics are 1 or more points above the previous games. Not only that, but there are multiple game-play options to set to your preference. Such as the "Classic" mode where you can only use pre-made weapons based off the previous games and the difficulty is adjusted. Or the "Survival" mode where necromorphs no longer drop ammo and everything you need must be made at a workbench. I suppose if all you care about is the game being scary then maybe you'll be disappointed. But if you're like me where you just want a relatively scary and immersive adventure, which I found the previous Dead Space games to be for me, then be sure to get yourself a copy of this. It's worth every penny.